Simple Promise™

Medical Whistleblower Uncovers $74 Billion Big Pharma Coverup

(The all-natural Ozempic alternative that burns 27 lbs in 30 days)

If you’ve heard of the blockbuster weight-loss drug Ozempic, the truth you’re about to see will destroy your faith in our medical system and our government.

In November of 2021,
a Professor of Biomedicine at One of the
Top Universities on Earth...

Made a discovery with the power to change
the course of human history and save hundreds of
thousands of American lives.

A previously unknown hormone that when raised high enough…

  • Sends a person’s metabolism into fat-burning overdrive
  • Increases their body’s
    ability to burn fat by nearly TEN TIMES
  • And makes it nearly impossible to gain weight.

Most incredible of all, according to recently attained research…

There’s a Simple,
Convenient Way That Anyone…

No matter their weight or age—
can naturally raise their levels of this hormone and
rapidly drop as much as 27 pounds in 30 days.

Without eating less or exercising more

Without eating less or
exercising more

Without giving up any “unhealthy” foods

Without giving up any
“unhealthy” foods

And without medication.

And without medication.

It takes just 10 seconds each morning.

It can be done at home.

There are zero side effects and it doesn’t require an expensive prescription.

That’s exactly why, instead of a Nobel Prize and having his face printed across the front-page of every newspaper in America…

The Moment He Made
This Discovery…

This doctor was hunted down
and silenced.

You’re about to see the proof with your own eyes—proof you’ve been LIED to.

Classified documents and testimony that confirm one the most sinister scandals in medical history…

A widespread cover-up to keep you
and the rest of the American public in the dark…

All to protect the $74 billion Big Pharma’s rakes in each year with the weight loss drug Ozempic.

Because these crooks know that once you discover the truth about this hormone—and the simple, all-natural way to send it soaring…

You’ll never struggle with your weight again, and every dollar of that $74 billion mountain of Ozempic money will go up
in smoke.

They’ve Used Every Trick in the Book to Keep This Information From You…

With the help of several high-ranking Federal officials—including someone appointed by President Biden himself—they succeeded.

Until now.

You’re about to meet Rose Dawson**
a 57-year-old mom of two from Tennessee...

Who, in a twist of divine intervention…

Stumbled headfirst into this all-natural alternative to Ozempic…

And used it to slash 77 pounds of stubborn fat from her belly, face, neck, thighs, and arms in a matter of months.

When Ozempic
Failed Her,
This Natural Solution Worked.

In fact, after decades of trying every prescription, crash diet, fad workout, and detox around…

In less than 3 months’ time, with nothing more than the easy at-home hack that sends this hormone soaring…

She Went From This:
To This:

Losing so many inches she soon found herself slipping into slim, revealing outfits she hadn’t worn since having children.

Incredibly, she didn’t change her eating or exercise habits at all.

The reason, according to researchers, that this “Ozempic Alternative” is so unbelievably powerful…

Is That It Skyrockets the Levels of This Previously Unknown Hormone…

Which literally reprograms the body to run lighter, slimmer,
and trimmer.

It might sound impossible, but a new placebo-controlled study proves it beyond doubt:

We now know that weight loss has nothing to do with...











And that if you gain weight easily, it isn’t because of:

  • Bad genetics
  • A broken thyroid
  • Too much stress
  • Or even because you eat too much and exercise too little.

Instead, It All Comes Down to Low Levels to This Unknown Hormone…

Which experts agree plummets after the age of 36.

Worse, if you’re a woman with children…

According to this new research…

Pregnancy completely depletes this hormone…

And that’s why most women gain weight more easily than ever after their children are born.

If that’s you…

You’re likely one of the estimated 80% of American adults who will remain UNABLE to lose weight unless they raise their levels of this hormone…

And until you do that…

You Can Cut Calories,
Huff and Puff on a Treadmill for Hours,
and Do EVERYTHING Right…

But your body will still cling on to fat for dear life.

The good news is…

Skyrocketing this hormone is easy and requires nothing more than the simple, science-backed “soda hack” that Rose uncovered and which will be revealed in this page...

Use this easy, at-home hack each day…

And within minutes, your body responds by churning out oceans of this hormone…

Which according to scientists...

Instantly gives your body the ability to burn 720%
more fat

Once That Happens,
the Results Are Nothing Short of Miraculous.

From Day One, you’ll feel your metabolism surge back to life…

As if it had simply been waiting for the signal to fire on all
cylinders again.

Weight loss no longer feels like pushing a boulder uphill…

Weight loss no longer feels like pushing a boulder uphill…

And layers of ugly, stubborn body fat melt off your body like snow melting off a snowman in the Sun.

And layers of ugly, stubborn
body fat melt off your body like snow melting off a snowman in the Sun.

All the while enjoying pizza, ice cream, homemade desserts, mounds of bacon, piles of cheese, and anything else the food police have arrogantly told you is off-limits.

All the while enjoying pizza, ice cream, homemade desserts, mounds of bacon, piles of cheese, and anything else the food police have arrogantly told you is off-limits.

This Hormone Is
That Powerful.

It doesn’t matter your age or health, what you’ve tried in the past, or how much weight you need to lose.

Use this simple hack to send this
hormone soaring…

And the weight simply disappears.

Even better, because this hormone reprograms your metabolism to run lighter, slimmer, trimmer…

Once the fat is gone, it never
comes back.

If You Think Losing Weight
Requires Giving up Your Favorite Foods and Running Yourself Rotten on
a Treadmill...

Rose’s 77-pound weight loss success story
will change
your mind.

But she isn’t the only one.

After watching his wife transform before his eyes…

Rose’s husband used this new breakthrough to incinerate 43 pounds of wobbly fat in weeks.

At 58 years old, he now sports a chiseled jaw and abs for the first time.

And in the short time this page has exposed the raw, unfiltered truth about easy fat loss…

Americans From Maine to California Have Shed Their Weight Too:

“I’ve never lost weight
this quickly…”

“I lost 5 pounds in the first week! I’ve never lost weight this quickly… Even when
I dieted.”

—Danielle Smith, 45 (Texas)

“In 9 months I’ve lost 70 pounds.”

“In 9 months I’ve lost 70 pounds. I never thought it would be possible. I went from 215 to 145 pounds!”

—Heather Thompson, 59 (Florida)

“I’ve not weighed this since I was
in my 20s!”

“I weigh 125 pounds! I’ve not weighed this since I was in my 20s! I can now wear a size 4.
I also just feel great. My skin looks better. My digestion is better. I have more energy.
I just FEEL good!”

—Cindy McDonald, 55 (California)

“I’ve been using this for 3 months and
I’ve lost 27 pounds.”

“I used to always be fit. Then I hit 50 and I just kept putting on weight.

At one point I was wearing an XXXL. I felt awful. I hurt all the time. I was getting scared about my health because my blood pressure was so high. I knew I had to do something. I was considering going on Ozempic, and then my wife shared this with me.

I’ve been using this for 3 months and I’ve lost 27 pounds. I don’t feel hungry all the time anymore either. I can’t wait to see where I am in another 3 months.”

—Steve Pringle, 66 (Kansas)


You’ll sit down to giant, carb-heavy meals, indulging without guilt, shame, or fear it’ll show up on your thighs the next day.

You’ll sit down to giant, carb-heavy meals, indulging without guilt, shame, or fear it’ll show up on your thighs the next day.

You’ll lose yourself in steamy nights with your spouse, confident your trim body does it for them.

You’ll lose yourself in steamy nights with your spouse, confident your trim body does it for them.

You’ll bound up and down stairs, chase grandkids through the backyard, spring into hobbies you’d given up.

You’ll bound up and down stairs, chase grandkids through the backyard, spring into hobbies you’d given up.

Achy joints that suddenly feel like new.

Achy joints that suddenly feel
like new.

Blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol readings coming back completely normal.

Blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol readings coming back completely normal.

Youthful glowing skin.

Youthful glowing skin.

And having enough energy to last though the most grueling of days.

And having enough energy to last though the most grueling of days.

It’s all possible when you naturally
and quickly raise your levels of this
1 newly-discovered hormone.

And Right Here, Right Now—
in the Next Three Minutes—
You’ll Get Every Detail.

But I must warn you...

An army of lawyers on Big Pharma’s payroll have already started working to permanently delete this page.

There’s no telling how many government officials they’ve got in their pocket and how
fast they’ll succeed in having me censored
, so please set everything aside and prepare to
learn the truth

Who am I?

Well, My Name Is Scott Dawson***.

And that amazing woman you just heard about…
who lost 77 pounds in just a few months?

That's my beautiful wife, Rose.

With your permission, I’d like to share her story with you…

And show you the new and convenient “soda hack” that quickly and automatically melted those pounds from her body…

Like a blowtorch to a stick of butter…

So you too can shed the extra weight and start enjoying the life the way you’re entitled to.

Now, the First Thing
Know About Me…

I’m not some hot-shot doctor or lobbyist
on Big Pharma’s payroll.

Far from it.

Matter of fact, I’m a Sheriff’s Detective in Oakridge, Tennessee—a quiet suburb outside of Knoxville.

Our big claim to fame here in Oakridge is being home to a Boeing manufacturing plant.

Before joining the Sheriff’s Office, I served 12 years in the US Army as Military Police.

If it sounds like a quiet life… it is.

So You Can Imagine,
I Never Dreamed

My Wife and I Would Be
at the Center of a
Nationwide Frenzy…

Uncovering the biggest fat loss breakthrough
in decades.

I also never thought I’d be the guy digging into a Big Pharma plot to profit off the suffering of decent Americans

I’d prefer to be digging up weeds in my front yard…

But I have no choice—it’s my duty to God and country.

When you hear the disgusting details of this cover-up…

And how these filthy crooks used every trick in the book to bury this discovery just so they could keep lining their pockets in $74 billion worth of blood money…

You’ll understand why.

This Plot Goes Straight to the Top—
Right to President Biden And The Man He Recently Put in Charge of the FDA.

Which is why it’s high-time you heard
my wife’s story…

So you too can arm yourself with the truth they prayed you’d never
find out…

And then watch as the person staring back at you in the mirror grows skinnier and happier by the day.

See, Rose and I have two wonderful daughters…

Like many women, that’s when Rose’s struggle began.

At first, we had trouble conceiving.

But after years of trying—God blessed us—and at age 36, Rose gave birth to our first daughter.

Frankly, although Rose gained about 15 pounds, we didn’t really notice.

We were distracted by our little girl!

Two years later—at age 38

Rose gave birth to our
second daughter.

What a blessing!

Rose gained another 30 pounds or so… but our attention was on giving our daughters the best.

Yet you know how it goes…

As the years ticked by, the scale ticked up.

In the blink of an eye…

We were in our 50s, our girls were nearly grown, and the burden of the extra weight finally started to exact its toll on my sweet Rose.

Last year, as her weight crept past
215 pounds77 pounds heavier than she
weighed before having our girls…

Things got bad.

Her blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar climbed to deadly levels.

Her energy plummeted.

Her joints screamed in such agony she could barely get around the house on some days…

And she would get winded so easily, something as simple as walking around the pond near our house became impossible.

It wasn’t as if she didn’t try either.
But nothing worked…

Low-calorie cookbooks, “superfoods,” and questionable diet pills littered our kitchen counters.

Rose tried Keto, Paleo, Atkins, WeightWatchers, veganism,
you name it…

It was so confusing.

One month a friend would shock us by dropping loads of weight eating low-fat…

The next different friend would lose even more weight eating low-carb

So Rose would give it
everything she had. But it didn’t matter.
The scale wouldn’t budge.

Or worse, she’d lose 5 or 6 pounds and light up with hope… only to rebound 15 pounds in the wrong direction.

We spent a fortune on…

Juicing machines

Juicing machines



Personal trainers

Personal trainers



And doctors

And doctors

It helped about as much as a snorkel in a tsunami.

It didn’t make sense.

Sometimes it seemed like Rose’ metabolism
was so broken, her waistline grew from just
looking at a plate of food.

Of course, we blamed it on genetics.

If only I knew then what I know now—it wasn’t genetics.

The reason something seemed off was because it was.

Rose had virtually non-existent levels of a crucial fat-burning hormone scientists just discovered.

If You’re Over the Age
of 36—
and Especially if You’re a Woman Who’s
Had Children…

If any of this resonates and you gain weight easier than anyone you know…

Whether it’s from fat or carbs or even supposedly “waistline friendly” foods.

Low levels of this hormone are
almost certainly the reason why—and like Rose—the secret soda hack I’m about to share will be the way out for you too.

Anyway, as Rose’s health declined,
the emotional toll was as bad as the
physical one…

Friends, family, and coworkers grew concerned, making off-hand remarks and offering unsolicited advice.

Walking down the street with our girls, strangers constantly judged us.

As if Rose’s weight meant she was dumb or lazy and unfit to be a wife
and mother.

Until One Day,
Rose Gave Up.

The energetic woman I fell in love with
no longer smiled.

Our sex life vanished.

I’m ashamed to say we were on the brink of divorce.

It was the worst time of our lives.

Then—6 months ago—everything changed.

See, as our youngest’s 18th birthday approached, Rose and I decided to throw a surprise birthday party.

Honestly, it was for us just as much as it was for our little girl.

We needed to laugh and smile—and a birthday party seemed like the perfect thing.

Little did we know—it would almost tear our family apart...

But also...

Lead Us Straight to the Strange, Fat-Incinerating Soda Hack...

That would help Rose quickly
and easily melt off the 77 pounds
of stubborn fat that had taken over her life.

All morning, Rose shuffled around getting everything perfect—the backyard was filled with balloons, we got a beautiful cake, and everyone knew not to park on our street.

Seconds before our youngest stepped through the door, with guests waiting in position…

Rose sprinted to hit the lights.

Yet mid-stride, she let out a disturbing growl and just as the front door swung open, our daughter watched Rose slam onto the hardwood floor…

Clutching her chest and gasping for air.

That Night, I Anxiously Paced the
Hospital Waiting Room, Waiting to Hear
if Rose Was OK.

After an eternity, a doctor emerged from the doors
and approached me.

My heart sank, expecting the worst…

“She’s resting now,”
he said as I breathed a sigh of relief.

He continued…

“It was a heart attack. We need to get her weight under control while we still can or she won’t be so lucky next time. Good news—I’ve got just the thing…”

Smiling, he placed a prescription slip in my hand, turned around, and skipped off as if he’d just hit a hole in one on the golf course.

Confused, I Looked Down at the
Paper in My Hands.

Scratched across the top, in capital letters,
it read "OZEMPIC".

Looking back, I should’ve thrown the prescription in that
doctor’s face.

Today I know the truth about Ozempic…

How ineffective it is, the dangerous side effects it causes…

And how Big Pharma covered up the discovery of the powerful fat-incinerating hormone I’ve been telling you about just to get Ozempic into the hands of as many unsuspecting Americans as possible.

But in That Moment?
I Was Desperate to
My Sweet Rose…

All I knew was Ozempic was touted in the TV ads as the “next big thing” in weight loss.

So the next morning I drove to the pharmacy to fill the prescription and nearly had a heart attack myself!

Insurance didn’t cover the monthly cost…

So I reluctantly put $1,508.34 on my credit card, my stomach doing somersaults at the thought of shelling out that much money each and every month.

Worse, after Rose injected herself with her
first dose…

She spent hours hunched over the toilet in excruciating pain, vomiting her guts out.

For days, she couldn’t muster the strength to get out of bed.

But the Most
Unsettling Part…

Her face grew loose and saggy,

as if she’d aged 20 years in a week.

A condition we’d later discover was another side effect our doctor kept to himself: Ozempic Face.

Fast forward three months of side effects and $4525.02 in out-of-pocket costs later…

Guess how much weight Rose lost?

A measly 6 pounds.

I Didn’t Know What to Do.
It Felt Like a Sick Joke.

And I felt like I’d failed Rose
as a husband.

But like the saying goes: it's darkest before dawn.

My only solace during these tough times was my Veterans Support Group at our Church.

Every Thursday, 12 of us gathered to support one another.

Most of these men were hardened
combat vets.

Some were missing arms or legs. Others had watched friends die before their eyes.

I don’t know… but bringing up Rose’s struggle didn’t seem appropriate compared to the horrors they’d lived through

So I always waved my turn off.

But One Particular Night
a Few Months Ago, the Agony Must’ve
Been Written Into My Face.

One of the men walked over,

laid his hand on my shoulder, and like that…

I told them everything…

Rose’s weight

Rose’s weight

The heart attack

The heart attack

How I was going into so much debt paying for Ozempic.

How I was going into so much debt paying for Ozempic.

How Rose had only lost 6 pounds

And, worst of all, that I was terrified she had one foot in the grave and I was days from losing the love of my life.

After the meeting, walking to my car, a voice cut through the darkness…

“Scott, wait up!”

I Turned To See Our
Newest Member—
Richard “Doc” Faulkner.***

I didn’t know him well,
but I admired him.

Despite being in his fifties, he was fit, optimistic, full of life and had the energy of someone half his age..

In the Army, he’d been a medic
(which is why we all started calling him Doc Faulkner).

Beyond that, I knew little.

Apparently—since leaving the Army—
he’d run a popular natural health clinic in Knoxville…

I didn’t know it then, but he was considered THE go-to fat loss expert in Knoxville.

Catching up, he placed a muscular hand on my shoulder…

“Look,” he began…

“Take your wife’s Ozempic and throw it in the trash. She won’t be needing it.”

I began to stutter a response but he continued…

“Think about it…

Why would Big Pharma want people losing weight?

They want your wife taking that poison Ozempic as long as possible—it’s the only way they profit.

They buried a MAJOR fat-loss discovery. Just to keep people like you shelling out $1500 every month for a drug that might work in the short term, but stops working the second you stop taking it... Despicable.

You want the truth? Go home and google Dr. Holst. That’ll explain everything.”

Not Knowing How to Respond,
I Nodded and Thanked Him.

That night, I googled the name
he gave me.

What I found would soon help Rose dissolve every ounce of fat she’d gained…

  • Without Ozempic
  • Without counting calories, cutting carbs or fat
  • And with nothing more the simple, 5-second soda hack you’re about to see.

And it can do the same for you.

It Starts With This Man—Dr. Holst.

He’s a professor of Biomedical Sciences at the
University of Copenhagen in Denmark.

His career spans four decades of innovation, with more than
1,200 published studies

Of course, that’s public knowledge.

And none of it had anything to do with Ozempic.

Fortunately, as a detective, I’d recently taken a course in digital forensics and as I dug into Holst’s life, I unearthed something unthinkable…

See, in Late 2021 Holst

Made the Discovery That Should’ve Defined
His Career.

After decades of research,
he discovered that...

Deep within our small intestines, there’s a collection of specialized cells that pump out a mysterious hormone we never even knew existed!

But discovering this unknown hormone wasn’t even the most incredible part.

After studying this hormone, Holst and his colleagues came to a shocking conclusion

When you increase your levels
of this unknown hormone,
it reprograms your metabolism...

To burn fat at such a high rate, losing weight becomes
effortless and automatic—
and gaining weight becomes next-to-impossible.

For Example,
Holst’s Colleagues
at the University College of London***
Took 1,961 Adults...

And put them through a
rigorous set of tests to determine if higher levels of this hormone do in fact make it nearly impossible to gain weight.

The results were mindblowing…

People with higher levels of this hormone burned 720% more fat than those with lower levels.

And that’s WITHOUT diet or exercise.

Can you imagine burning nearly TEN TIMES MORE FAT?

You’d have no problem dropping all the weight you wanted!

Another study published in
The Frontiers of Endocrinology*** found that...

If you’re overweight, it’s because you have 20% less of this hormone than everyone else.

Then I found a memo written
by a small research group
from Harvard***...

Declaring this hormone would be a potent and powerful “new treatment for obesity”.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Why wasn’t this front-page news?

Why Hadn’t Dr. Holst
Given the Nobel
Prize or Invited to
White House?

Even as I asked the questions…
I knew the answer.

Ozempic makes $74 billion every year.

There I was, looking at a newly-discovered hormone so powerful, it could not only incinerate every ounce of fat on Rose’s body, but help tens of millions of Americans too…

And Big Pharma swept it under the rug to protect their profits.

I nearly threw up.

And that’s why I’m telling you this today.

So Make Sure You Remember This:
The Name of His Hormone Is GLP-1.

And if you’d like to enjoy fast, effortless fat loss, and never worry about your waistline again…

While eating your favorite foods as often as you want…

Pay attention to this next part.

The next week, after Veteran’s Group, I pulled Doc Faulkner into the back row of the empty church and told him what I found.

Turning to face me, here’s what he said…

“It’s true—Dr. Holst discovered GLP-1 is the key.
But that’s not the half of it. The conspiracy is even bigger than that.

Holst didn’t just discover that GLP-1 makes fat-burning automatic, he found a way for anyone—at any age or weight—to thrust their GLP-1 levels through the roof.

It’s natural, affordable, can be done at home,
and there are no side effects. But Big Pharma
hid everything.”

Doc Faulkner then pulled out his phone.

What I saw, I couldn’t believe.

Scrolling, He Showed Me Photo After Photo of People Who’d Shed 30, 50, Even 70 Pounds or More of Pure Fat. Dozens of Them!

“Scott,” he said with sincerity.

“I traveled the Earth to get to the bottom of what Holst discovered. I brought it back to my clinic in Knoxville and the results are beyond anything I imagined…

This has worked for EVERY person I’ve given it to. It didn’t matter how much they weighed, how poorly they ate, how long they were overweight, how many times they’d failed in the past...

They didn’t diet, eat bland foods, or exercise to death. All it takes is a 5-second hack that naturally sends your body’s GLP-1 skyrocketing.

This changes EVERYTHING. 5 seconds before eating and a flood of GLP-1 literally reprograms your body to run lighter, slimmer, and trimmer.”

Faulkner Then Gave Some Detail
How GLP-1 Works.

“The human body has two fuel sources: fats and carbs.

Now, researchers have proven the reason some people never gain fat—no matter what they eat—is something called METABOLIC FLEXIBILITY.

What that means is one moment, they burn carbs
for fuel. Then, just like that, they shift to burning fat
for fuel!”

He said this last part with a loud snap of his fingers to emphasize how fast this
switch occurs.

Faulkner Continued
to Explain
This Constant Back-And-Forth
Is the
Key to...

A red-hot metabolism that burns fat around the clock.

It only happens when you have high GLP-1

And that’s why some people eat like crazy and never gain an ounce.

You’ve almost certainly seen a high GLP-1 person like this.

They can devour heavy, high-fat foods like cheese, cream sauce, butter, bacon, even the fattiest cuts of beef…

And it doesn’t matter because...

High GLP-1 gives them the metabolic flexibility to immediately begin burning fat for fuel.

Then, they can sit down to a carb-loaded plate stacked with cake, pie, cookies, even soda, and still lose weight because their body instantly switches to burning carbs for fuel.

This is their secret and soon, that’ll be you.

Because the problem this simple hack will fix for you is that with low GLP-1, the opposite happens.

People With Low GLP-1 Have

The result is almost all foods: Fats, carbs, even vegetables and lean protein.

Make them gain weight—even when they barely eat anything at all.

Meaning, if you’ve got low GLP-1, even clean, low-calories diets fail.

Your body can’t switch between carbs
and fat, so EVERYTHING gets stored as body fat.

And That’s Why—
Once You Raise Your GLP-1 With This Simple At-Home Hack...

You'll never worry about your
waistline again.

As Richard spoke, the hair on my arm stood on end.

He was describing Rose to a “T”—and I knew that meant her battle would soon
be over.

Stick with me and yours will be too.

Still, I couldn’t shake one question…

Why Do So Many
People Have
Low GLP-1
in the First Place?

Richard gave me four reasons:

#1: Many people naturally produce less

Humans are—after all—different.

So when people believe they have poor genetics—especially if they’ve had weight issues most of their lives, the reality is they have low GLP-1.

#2: Age

The second reason for low GLP-1
is age.

Richard explained that after age 36, our GLP-1 levels tumble.

By the time we’re in our 50s, they’ve fallen off a cliff. Which is why most everyone gains weight in their
40s and 50s.

#3: Pregnancy

The third reason is pregnancy.

Richard said it’s unfair but for unknown reasons, women produce almost zero GLP-1 after having children.

#4: Toxins

New research just linked toxins in
US food and water supply to
low GLP-1.

And That’s Why Americans Have Less GLP-1 Than Anyone on Earth…

And why nearly all Americans struggle with weight gain.

We literally cannot escape.

That’s when Faulkner told me the last part:

The good news is raising your GLP-1 is simple, easy, and can be done at home by anyone.

And of course, that’s why Big Pharma buried Holst’s work.

Richard had proof—an investigative report showing Big Pharma tricked Holst into sharing his research

Then made sure it never saw the light
of day.

I wish I could say I was surprised… I wasn’t.

Living and Working as a
Detective in Tennessee...

I’d seen thousands of families destroyed by the deadly painkillers these crooks put into our homes.

But even I couldn’t believe the next part—Federal officials did NOTHING.

Richard had proof for that too...

Proof that the man President Biden put in charge
of the FDA...

Right as this all occurred just so happens to own millions of shares of stock in these Big Pharma companies and gets richer with every prescription that’s written.

“They’re in bed together,” Richard spat.

“But it doesn’t matter because I discovered the truth about raising GLP-1!”

Richard Then Explained That After a Discouraging Series of Dead-Ends…

His search into Dr. Holst’s work took him to the
island of Madagascar.

There he found a rare breed of the Acacia tree.

The native tribe considered it holy and drank a broth made from its bark every day.

With the help of a translator, Faulkner learned the tribe credited this daily drink as the reason why the women stayed slender, even after having an average of 5 children each, and even into their 60s and 70s.

And why the men ate mountains of fatty meat each night, yet still looked as if they’d been chiseled from granite.

In fact, after many confusing conversations, Faulkner learned the word “obese” doesn’t even exist in their native language.

Curious, Richard Took
Extract of This
Acacia Tree’s Bark
Back to the States.

And in a recent double-blind, randomized study the research was jaw dropping…

This extract skyrocketed GLP-1
by 53%.

In a follow-up, double-blind, placebo-controlled study out of Cambridge…

When participants received this extract, their fat-burning metabolism soared by more than 300%.

The Journal of Functional Foods*** then found it lowers blood sugar
by 91.5%

With Richard’s
Connections, His Team Got Their Hands on the Only Known Trademarked Version of This Extract…

Guaranteed to send your GLP-1 soaring with each use.


It’s called Sukre™ and it's the first ingredient inside the fat-blasting formula Rose, me, and thousands more have now used to get the bodies of our dreams.

After leaving Madagascar,
Doc Faulkner’s search took him to the States, where he soon found himself working with a crack team of researchers in this nondescript Southern
California lab...

See, a Recent Accident in This Lab Led to Another GLP-1 Breakthrough.

In fact, Faulkner’s colleagues in this lab weren’t working on
fat loss at all.

They were working to create the next generation of electrolytes.

But after tweaking the structure of sodium and potassium—the two most important electrolytes in the human body—they noticed something unexpected…

These new electrolytes didn’t just
provide better hydration—they burned
like crazy.

After further research, it was clear why these new electrolytes send GLP-1 through the roof.

And most surprising…

In their studies, this special electrolyte combo boosted fat burning almost INSTANTANEOUSLY, and kept it there for 6 hours!

It was as if people had done 6 hours of intense cardio, without moving a muscle.

This Powerful New Electrolyte—
The First-Ever Fat-Burning Electrolyte...

Is now patent-pending and
makes up
the second ingredient in Doc Faulkner’s formula.


It’s called Metabolyte™.

Richard kept going, reeling off study after study about how powerful the combination of these ingredients is.

Like how, according to a study recently performed in Japan…

It helps the stomach block 60% of carbs from being absorbed.

Put another way—it doesn’t matter
if you indulge in chocolate cake, pasta, bread, even a giant glass of ice-cold Coke…

60% of the carbs don’t get absorbed, so the calories don’t count.

Or how this 1-2 combo boosts an enzyme Oxford scientists call HSL.

Which behaves kind of like a little Pac Man that rushes through your body…

And literally eats stored fat cells, which makes it nearly impossible to regain any weight that’s lost.

When He Finally
Finished Showing Me
the Proof and Research...

Faulkner reached into his briefcase…

“Here,” he said, handing me a jar with a sweet-smelling powder inside.

“Have Rose put that into a glass of water before
each meal.”

There was just one problem.

That evening, when I explained this to Rose, she wouldn’t hear it.

“I said NO,” she said, storming into the bathroom.

I understood—when you’ve tried everything, another promise seems like a cruel joke.

Yet later that night, I noticed the jar Richard gave me in the kitchen…

The Lid Was Ajar,
and Some
Powder Was Missing.

I guess Rose gave it a go when I wasn’t looking.

Two days later, I woke up to the shrillest yelp I’d ever heard.

Heart racing, I leapt into the bathroom.

There was Rose—standing on the scale—smiling ear to ear.

“I’m down 4 pounds!” she looked at me, beaming.

Over the next week, Rose’s outfits became looser in all the right places.

Her tummy tightened. She smiled and laughed more.

Within Two Weeks,
She Was
Down 19 Pounds and Counting.

Even her doctor was at a loss for words when her bloodwork came back nearly flawless—blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol all top-notch.

After that visit, we tossed her Ozempic in the trash, sprinted home…

And for the
First Time in Years,
Rose and I Were Intimate.

It felt like fireworks on the 4th.

Before long, Rose was back to gardening and biking to her heart’s content.

When we ate out, she simply sprinkled a bit of Richard’s fat-burning electrolytes in her water beforehand…

Knowing that once she drank it down…

She could order garlic knots, Coke, a cheeseburger with fries, and even 2 or more slices of cheesecake…

And it wouldn’t matter.

Although I will say, she seemed like she wasn’t as hungry these days either.
She never deprived herself. She always ate what she wanted. She just wasn’t as hungry.

Which I’m sure helped.

Now I’ll Admit, This Entire Time, I Was So Caught up Caring for My Wife…

I forgot about myself.

But one evening, Rose and I were walking through town.

It was a perfect night, Rose looked amazing—and she was the happiest I’d seen her

in years.

The woman I’d fallen in love with was back!

So I asked someone to snap a photo...

When they handed my phone back,
Rose looked like a ray of light

But for the first time, I realized how big

I’d gotten.

There must’ve been 40 pounds of extra, doughy fat hanging from my body!

So I Asked Richard if
I Could Try His
Fat Loss Powder Myself.

The first thing I noticed was how easily it
mixed into water.

And it tasted unbelievable—lemon-lime.

That's when I remembered Richard saying
his favorite trick was to mix it into some
fizzy water...

And wow! It tasted just like Sprite…

A fat-burning, waistline-shrinking Sprite!

And That’s How Our Little
“Soda Hack” Was Born.

My mouth is watering right now just talking about it!

Trust me, once you start burning loads of fat with this delicious, fizzy, fat-burning Sprite—yours will too!

Before I knew it, within weeks, I was down 23 pounds with no end
in sight.

  • My once bulging belly no longer jiggled with every step.
  • My young buck energy returned—
    in and out of the bedroom.
  • My joints felt smooth as butter.

I even had to get a new pair of Levis since mine no longer fit!

That’s About the Time
Close Friends,
Family, Even a Few Cops From the Station Began Noticing...

And asked if we were on some
crazy crash diet.

When we told them about Richard’s fat-burning electrolyte powder, they wanted some, too.

When I asked Richard, his face lit up.

“You guys look fantastic!” he said excitedly.

“But if you think that’s great… give me a week or two. I’m working on a second, upgraded version. It’s gonna blow this one out of the water!”

For the next two weeks, I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas.

Finally, Richard texted me and said the new version of his fat-burning electrolyte powder was ready.

So We Gathered 56 People—
Officers, Folks From Church, Military Friends, and Rose’s Girlfriends.

Each with at least 40 pounds to lose.

And we kicked off the first-of-its-kind trial study with Richard’s center monitoring every detail.

The results were out of
this world…

Within 30 days, 54 of our 56 participants were down 27 pounds or more.

And as the weeks went by, the pounds kept disappearing.

One woman dropped 51 pounds and started wearing sleeveless shirts again.

One woman dropped 51 pounds and started wearing sleeveless shirts again.

A cop friend who was winded from climbing a few stairs, on the verge of needing medication for blood pressure—
he shed 47 pounds.

A cop friend who was winded from climbing a few stairs, on the verge of needing medication for blood pressure—he shed 47 pounds.

One of Rose’s
close friends even canceled her gastric bypass surgery after losing 72 pounds!

One of Rose’s close friends even canceled her gastric bypass surgery after losing 72 pounds!

Across the Board, the Longer They Drank These Special Electrolytes…

The more fat they burned.

But the kicker?

Months later, despite making zero changes to their diets…

They kept the fat off.

Now, it’s your turn.

See, everything seemed right in the world until some recent
headlines reminded me how many people were being duped into
taking Ozempic…

And how many people could be saved by Doc Faulkner’s breakthrough formula.

So I Called Him Up and
Told Him We Needed to Get This Formula to the Public.

At first, he resisted. He didn’t want that kind of a target on his back from Big Pharma.

After hours of chatting, we made a compromise.

His upgraded formula would only be offered through his clinic, or during this special page you’re reading now.

Now, I know you’re probably ready to
crawl over broken glass to get this new breakthrough formula

But first, let me tell you about the ingredients Richard added to make “Version 2.0” of his fat-loss powder so unbelievably powerful.

First There’s a Little-Known Plant Extract Native to Brazil’s Rainforests.


Which was proven in multiple studies in places like The American Journal of Physiology*** to…

  • Skyrocket GLP-1 levels even further
  • Torch fat from common “trouble areas” such as the thighs, upper-arms, lower belly, and neck…
  • And burn the equivalent of an extra 750 calories per day!

It’s a trademarked form of red pepper extract called CapsiMax™.

Chromium Picolinate

Next, Richard added a rare mineral called Chromium Picolinate that when combined with Sukre™…

Has been shown in multiple studies to reduce blood sugar spikes by as much as 43%.

Even after heavy, carb-filled meals…

While also bringing blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides readings down to healthy ranges!


Then we have a supernutrient called L-Taurine which the Journal Amino Acids*** recently proved zooms through your blood vessels...

Hooks onto excess cholesterol, then flushes it out the next time you go to the restroom.

A follow up study in Japan showed it’s so powerful, it could even make up for poor genetics when it comes to heart health.

Calcium Citrate

Finally, Richard added high-potency forms of Calcium Citrate

Which The American Journal of Clinical Nutrients*** found prevents your body from storing fat.

Magnesium Citrate

And Magnesium Citrate which removes belly-bloat and puffiness and ensures smooth, regular digestion.

If You’re Ready to Send
Your GLP-1 Through the Roof…

And melt away 27 pounds of fat from your face, belly, neck, arms, and thighs in the next 30 days.

Without doctor’s visits,
insane medical bills, dangerous injections, or hard-to-swallow pills…

Without suffering through another workout or starvation diet…

And without depriving yourself
of your favorite foods…

If you’re ready to regain your confidence, energy, and zest for life…

If you want to break the cycle of yo-yo dieting and shame and lose the weight
for good…

Then I’d like to introduce
you to the world’s only

fat-burning, GLP-1-enhancing
electrolyte powder:


With This First-Of-Its-Kind Formula,
You’ll Send Your GLP-1 Levels Soaring…

Dissolve at least 27 pounds of stubborn fat in
the next 30 days

And then just keep burning and dropping another 10 to 15 pounds each month until you’ve got the body and waistline you want…

And never gain an ounce back—guaranteed.

It doesn't matter:

  • If you want to lose 30 or 130 pounds
  • If you’ve got poor genetics
    and have been overweight your entire life…
  • If you struggle to exercise or eat right…
  • If you’ve tried every option under the Sun, or never tried anything at all…
  • And whether you’re in your 40s, 50s, 60s or older…

ElectroSlim™ will work for you.

As You’ve Seen Today,
That’s the Power of Raising GLP-1.

ElectroSlim is free from
gluten, stimulants,
caffeine, fillers, sugar, or toxic gunk that
you’ll find in other products.

It’s Paleo, Keto, and Vegan Certified.

And did I mention that it tastes absolutely delicious, mixes smooth, doesn’t clump, and is easy on the stomach?

ElectroSlim™ contains only the highest-quality ingredients, assembled in a GMP-certified facility right here in America that ensures purity and safety…

Within ElectroSlim

No more embarrassing looks as you squeeze through the aisle of an airplane or movie theater.

No more embarrassing looks as you squeeze through the aisle of an airplane or movie theater.

No more looking at old photos and thinking “what happened?”

No more looking at old photos and thinking “what happened?”

No more guilt when you give in to cravings for brownies, bread, bacon, pizza, cookies, or anything else your heart desires.

No more guilt when you give in to cravings for brownies, bread, bacon, pizza, cookies, or anything else your heart desires.

And of course, no side effects.

And best of all, you’ll be able to get access to ElectroSlim™ in the
next two minutes.

It Starts With a
Single Question:

How much would it be worth to
look in
the mirror each morning and see a slimmer figure than
you had the night before…

To have more energy and fewer aches and pains…

To indulge in your favorite foods…

To enjoy a shopping spree for the tighter clothing you deserve…

To walk, exercise, and participate in your favorite hobbies without getting winded…

To know that with each sip of ElectroSlim, your body runs lighter, slimmer, and trimmer?

$10,000? $50,000? Can you even put a price on that?

Well, like I said, after seeing Rose suffer at the hands of Big Pharma

This isn’t about money for me.

It’s About Helping You Escape From the Clutches of a Twisted System…

And live the full, rich life you’re
entitled to.

Think about the plans you’ve set aside, the social gatherings you’ve avoided, the sense of wonder and adventure you used to have…

ElectroSlim™ makes it possible again.

Although experts recommended we sell ElectroSlim™ for $599 a month…

The last thing I want is for price to stand in your way.

Which Is Why, if You’re One of the First 250 Americans to Respond Today…

You won’t pay anywhere near that.

So even though after today we’ll have to charge $99 per jar just to cover costs, if you’re one of the first 250 to respond now, you won't even pay that.

Because as part of today’s special presentation, 250 new customers will get an additional 46% off the regular price
of $99.

That Means, Act Now and You’ll Get a 30-Serving Supply of ElectroSlim for
One Low Payment of $53.


10% OFF


























10% OFF












*Free gift offer only valid for
customers within the U.S.

Yet before you order, know that the clinical research shows it’s best to take ElectroSlim™ for at least 90 days for the fastest, most permanent fat loss.

We saw it in our trial study—the longer people drank ElectroSlim™, the more fat they burned.

Rose and I both still take ElectroSlim™ daily, and still drop weight like crazy.

And the success of our 11,372 early-bird customers proves it too.

An ElectroSlim a Day

Keeps the Fat Away!

In other words—wouldn’t it be a shame to lose 30, 40, even 50 or more pounds over the coming weeks and months

Just to run out of ElectroSlim™, then watch in horror as the fat piles back on because your GLP-1 nosedives again.

Which Is Why I
Recommend You
Take Advantage of Today’s
Special Opportunity…

To order 180 or 90 servings of ElectroSlim
at an even deeper one-time discount…

So you can save even more on top of the low pricing you just heard about.

Here’s the incredible deal…

Select the option for 90 servings below and you’ll pay just $44 for each jar.

That’s $55 back to you on every jar.

But it gets better!

If You Order 6 Jars
of ElectroSlim
Now, That’s 180 Servings
You Pay
Even Less!

Just $29 per jar.


10% OFF


























10% OFF












*Free gift offer only valid for
customers within the U.S.

That’s $70 Back in Your Pocket on Every Jar and a Massive 70% Discount.

And there are no subscription fees or hidden costs.

I hate that kind of fine print as much as
you do.

Yet, let me be clear: this is the lowest price you’ll ever see for ElectroSlim™.

And because of the compromise I made with Doc Faulkner...

I can only guarantee this
rock-bottom pricing today, for the first 250 new customers.

Limited Stocks!

ElectroSlim™ is also not available in Target or Walmart so if you want to take advantage of this massive discount, you need to act now.

Don’t Worry, if This
New Customer Discount Is Still Available…

You'll see a table appear below this page with three money saving options for you to choose from.

Simply select your package now.

From there, you’ll be forwarded to our 256-bit encrypted order page…

Our order page is safe, secure, and takes seconds.

I promise ElectoSlim™ will give you better results and burn more fat faster than anything you’ve tried before.

But to put your mind at ease...

I’ll Also Cover Your Entire
ElectroSlim Order With Our 365-Day No-Questions-Asked Guarantee.

365 Days Money-Back Guarantee

At Simple Promise™, we are so sure of the effectiveness of our product that we are willing to put the entire risk on us.

Our industry best 365 Days Money-Back Guarantee states that either you're 100% satisfied, or your money back.

You can place your order safely and knowing that absolutely nothing can go wrong. Give ElectroSlim™ a try and see the difference it would bring to your life.

If at any time you are not happy with ElectroSlim™, just send back your empty jars and we will refund you immediately.

No questions asked.

We pride ourselves in our product and service and want you to be absolutely satisfied.

That way you can see and feel the immediate difference for yourself.

And if ElectroSlim™ doesn’t blow past every expectation…

You’ll get a quick, no-hassle refund—down to the penny.

So You Risk Nothing Other Than
Missing Out on Grabbing ElectroSlim
at the Lowest Price Ever.

All that’s left to do is to make your selection now and experience firsthand everything I've talked about today with zero risk.

Like I said earlier, Big Pharma’s lawyers have already attempted to take this page down.

They hate that there’s now a natural solution like ElectroSlim™ that’s putting their $74 billion Ozempic cash cow in the crosshairs.

I say this to encourage you to stock up on as much ElectroSlim™ as you can right now.

Set this aside for even an hour and those crooks and their corrupt Federal bedfellows might have already gotten this page removed from the Internet.

Make Your Selection
Below Now.


10% OFF


























10% OFF












*Free gift offer only valid for
customers within the U.S.

We’re Also Throwing in Some
Amazing Bonuses!

Bonus #1

A Guide to Electrolyte-Infused Wellness Drinks
($39 Value)

Let us help you make the most of your ElectroSlim™. In this guide you’ll learn:

  • The art of balancing electrolytes for optimal hydration and well-being.
  • Understanding the role of key electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
  • How often you should use electrolytes.
  • A treasure trove of recipes designed to make your ElectroSlim™ drink your favorite part of the day. Each ingredient will help boost energy, support weight loss, and enhance
    overall vitality.
  • Tips for creating nutrient-packed beverages that align with your wellness goals.

This guide is valued at $39, but it's our gift to you for FREE when you order the 3- or 6-jar packages of ElectroSlim™.

Bonus #2

Natural GLP-1 Boost for Sustainable Weight Loss
($39 Value)

As you’ve learned in this page, controlling your GLP-1 is essential for weight loss.

ElectroSlim™ will definitely help
with that.

In this guide, we will share how you can do this with ElectroSlim™ and other healthy lifestyle tricks that are enjoyable. (And EASY!)

Embark on a journey toward sustainable weight loss with our exclusive guide. Dive into:

  • The science of natural boosters that stimulate GLP-1 production.
  • Mindful eating practices and their positive impact on weight management.
  • Strategies for incorporating physical activity, quality sleep, and stress management into your weight loss journey.
  • Recipes and cooking tips to create delicious and GLP-1-friendly meals.
  • And sample meal plans that include foods known to enhance GLP-1, to make it so easy for you.

Just like the first bonus, this guide normally retails for $39, but today,
it's yours for free when you choose the 3- or 6-jar packages of ElectroSlim™.

Bonus #3

Unleashing the Healing
Power of Water
($29 Value)

Explore the transformative power

Learn all about optimal hydration with our comprehensive guide. Immerse yourself in:

  • The biological importance of water for sustaining life and overall well-being.
  • Strategies for detoxification, cognitive function, weight management, and more.
  • Practical tips and tools for purifying and testing water
    at home.

This indispensable guide retails for $29, and just like the other 2 bonuses above, it’s yours free when you get the 3- or 6-jar packages of ElectroSlim™.

To Summarize,
When You Choose the Multi-Jar Packages…

You’ll save as much as 70% OFF on ElectroSlim, AND you’ll also receive an extra $107 in bonus guides!

But of course, DON’T feel pressured to get these guides.

They’re there as a complementary resource for folks who order the 3- or 6-jar packages of ElectroSlim™.

And the only reason I’m throwing these bonuses in for free, is to match your commitment.

Remember, if you have low GLP-1, nothing will ever help you lose.

And ElectroSlim™ is the first and only formula that raises GLP-1 quickly, naturally, and automatically.

So please, don’t beat yourself up for what happened in the past. It’s not your fault.

But armed with this new knowledge, it is your responsibility to do something
about it.

Just Like Thousands
Before You…

“I love the taste.
And surprisingly it’s WORKING.
So far I’ve lost 25 pounds.”

“I got so heavy in my early 60’s that even my brother asked me about it. He was concerned. I decided I needed to do something about it.

So I tried a Semaglutide shot, similar to Ozempic. It worked, but it also made me violently ill. I would take the shot and then vomit for 2 or 3 days after. It just wasn’t working for me. So I stopped, and sort of gave up.

Then my wife gave me ElectroSlim™. I started using it every morning after my coffee. I love the taste. And surprisingly it’s WORKING. So far I’ve lost 25 pounds.”

—William Hughs, 67 (Utah)

“No wonder I’ve lost 15 pounds!”

“ElectroSlim™ tastes SO good. I look forward to drinking it every day. It’s sweet, but not too sweet. It’s just a little treat. It helps me feel more hydrated. It helps with my sugar cravings and it curves my appetite. No wonder I’ve lost 15 pounds!”

—Linda Lomb, 41 (New York)

“I lost the 15 pounds in about 3 months.
The best part? I’ve not gained it back!”

“I gained 65 pounds during my second pregnancy. I lost most of it pretty quickly after childbirth. But there was about 15 pounds that I just couldn’t get rid of.
I’m pretty short, so 15 pounds is really a lot. I fasted, I counted calories and I even started running. Nothing was really working.

Then I tried ElectroSlim™.
And it’s crazy how well it works. I use it for my afternoon “snack.” I lost the 15 pounds in about 3 months. The best part? I’ve not gained it back!”

—Rose Murphy, 39 (Iowa)

“It has really helped my blood sugar
levels in the morning.”

“ElectroSlim™ has really helped my blood sugar levels in the morning. I feel like I used to have to eat because I felt a little shaky. Now I just drink this before my coffee and I’m good to go. It’s helped me lose a couple of
pounds too. ”

—Sean Lowe, 43 (Oklahoma)

“It’s given me a whole new lease on life.”

“I’m going to be 75 this year. I thought I’m too old to change. Too old to diet. Too old to be fit. But after a couple of health scares I knew I needed to do something.

My doctor had recommended I walk, work with a trainer, and potentially take Ozempic to help with weight. I wanted to try on my own first. So I did. I started walking every day with my friend Nancy. I started lifting weights with a trainer.

And I started taking ElectroSlim™ after my workouts. I had no idea I could lose this much weight… I’ve lost about 22 pounds. But I’m also FIT. I’m FIT like the young kids. It’s given me a whole new lease on life. I feel like I’m starting again. Thank you. This has been just the jump start I needed.”

—Slyvia Rome, 74 (Illinois)

Now It’s Your Turn.
You’re at a Crossroads Right Now.

You can continue down the path you’ve been on.

Where low GLP-1 makes it impossible
to lose weight and causes every morsel
of food you eat to desperately cling
your body…

  • No matter how hard you try…
  • No matter how carefully you eat…

As days turn to weeks, that extra weight becomes more than just a layer of fat

It Casts a Shadow on
Every Choice, Outfit, Photo,
Glance in the Mirror, and Meal.

A life filled with frustration, guilt, shame, and regret.

Your metabolism slows to a crawl…

Your metabolism slows to a crawl…

Your health deteriorates…

Your health deteriorates…

And an endless parade of doctors and friends belittle you with their comments and advice.

And an endless parade of doctors and friends belittle you with their comments and advice.

I don't want that for you.

Why go down that path when there's an easy, delicious, clinically-proven way forward?

That’s the Path of ElectroSlim.

To incinerate 27 pounds of
deep, unflattering fat from your face, neck, arms, thighs, belly in the next 30 days

And 10-15 pounds more every month
after that.

To reset your metabolism to run lighter, slimmer, trimmer with each delicious sip.

  • Without dieting or cardio…
  • Without feeling like you can’t even look at the foods you want…
  • Without living in fear, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Follow in the Footsteps of
11,327 Before You...

Dissolving fat on autopilot, shedding the guilt,
freeing yourself from a prison you never asked for—
and starting a new life.

A life where you blast fat around

the clock...

Where you walk by the mirror and love what you see…

Where your energy levels last from sunup to sundown…

And where others stop treating you like a second-class citizen.

That’s what ElectroSlim™ will do for you.

That’s What It Did for Rose, for Me,
and for 11,372 Americans Who Got to Try ElectroSlim Before Today.

Join us now.

And don’t forget, you’re also getting the 3 bonuses worth $107.

Here they are again:

  • A Guide to Electrolyte-Infused Wellness Drinks
  • Natural GLP-1 Boost: Your Guide to Sustainable Weight Loss
  • Unleashing the Healing Power of Water

All three are yours to keep, when you get the multi-jar packages of ElectroSlim™.

This Is an Amazing Deal Which You’ll
Likely Never See Again.

And you risk NOTHING by taking
this deal…

Because you’re fully protected by our 365-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

That means, either ElectroSlim™ works

for you…

Or it doesn’t cost you a dime.

But I’m very confident it will work for you.

Just like it’s worked for thousands of others like you.

We both know this is what you’ve been waiting for all along and you may regret it forever if you pretend you never heard my story today.

Make your selection below while this very limited, very deep discount is still available.

You risk nothing.

Choose One of the Discounted Packages Below to Claim the Body,
the Health, and the Life You Deserve.


10% OFF


























10% OFF












*Free gift offer only valid for
customers within the U.S.

Still here?

You might have some questions about ElectroSlim™, so here’s how I would answer them for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

ElectroSlim™ was specifically formulated for anyone who wants to shed stubborn body fat and turbocharge their metabolism...

Without suffering through another workout or starvation diet.

If you’re ready to melt away 27 pounds of fat from your face, belly, neck, arms, and thighs in the next 30 days...

And then, keep burning and dropping another 10 to 15 pounds each month until you’ve got the body and waistline you want…

Never to gain an ounce back

ElectroSlim™ is for you.

It doesn’t matter if
you want to lose 30 or 130 pounds…
If you’ve got poor genetics and have been overweight your entire life…
If you struggle to exercise or
eat right…
If you’ve tried every option under the Sun,
or never tried anything at all…
And whether you’re
in your
40s, 50s, 60s
or older…

ElectroSlim™ will work for you—guaranteed or your money back.

All you have to do is make your selection below now while this very limited, very deep discount is still available.

ElectroSlim™ is the world's only fat-burning, GLP-1-enhancing electrolyte powder.

If you’d like to enjoy fast, effortless fat loss, and never worry about your waistline again…

While eating your favorite foods as often as you want…

It starts with skyrocketing your levels of GLP-1 because the hormone literally reprograms your body to run lighter, slimmer, trimmer.

It only happens when you have high GLP-1, and that’s why some people eat like crazy and never gain an ounce.

You’ve almost certainly seen a high GLP-1 person like this.

They can devour heavy, high-fat foods like cheese, cream sauce, butter, bacon, even the fattiest cuts of beef…

And it doesn’t matter because high GLP-1 gives them the METABOLIC FLEXIBILITY to immediately begin burning fat
for fuel.

Today, for the first time, you can join them without risking a dime.

If you’d like to melt 27 pounds in the next 30 days...

Then keep shedding fat for as long as you want with daily use of ElectroSlim™...

Act now to try ElectroSlim™ at a special 67% discount, available only while our limited stock of 250 jars lasts.


This has been proven, time and time again in clinical research.

From your very first, delicious sip...

You’ll feel your metabolism surge back to life…

As if it had simply been waiting for the signal to fire on all cylinders again.

Weight loss will no longer feel like pushing a boulder uphill…

And layers of ugly, stubborn body fat will melt off your body like snow melting off a snowman in the Sun.

ElectroSlim™ is that powerful.

With this first-of-its-kind formula...

  • You’ll naturally send your GLP-1 levels soaring…
  • Dissolve at least 27 pounds of stubborn fat in the next 30 days
  • And then, just keep burning and dropping another 10 to 15 pounds each month until you’ve got the body and waistline you want…

And you’re guaranteed to never gain an ounce back.

Which is why almost everyone picks up multiple months’ worth, so they’re always burning fat...

And shed the maximum amount of fat possible.

All you have to do is make your selection below now while this very limited, very deep discount is still available.

ElectroSlim™ is 100% safe and all-natural.

  • It’s free from gluten, stimulants, caffeine, fillers, sugar, or toxic gunk that you’ll find in other products.
  • It’s Paleo, Keto, and Vegan Certified.
  • It has zero side effects and is easy on the stomach...

Because ElectroSlim™ contains only the highest-quality ingredients, assembled in a GMP-certified facility right here in America that ensures purity and safety…

And has been validated by multiple rounds of third-party testing.

Act now to try ElectroSlim™ at a special 67% discount, available only while our limited stock of 250 jars lasts.

All it takes is a single scoop of ElectroSlim™ mixed into any glass of water—filtered, carbonated, bottled, or from the tap.

It mixes smooth, doesn’t clump, and tastes absolutely out of this world delicious...

Like a fat-burning, waistline-shrinking Sprite!

From there, enjoy the rest of your day, and let the one-of-a-kind, clinically-proven ingredients inside ElectroSlim™ do the rest.

If you’d like to dissolve 27 pounds in 30 days without depriving yourself of your favorite foods...

And without stepping foot in
a gym...

All you have to do is make your selection below now while this very limited, very deep discount is still available.

Then you don’t pay!

Your entire ElectroSlim™ order today is 100% covered by our 365-day no questions asked guarantee.

That way you can see and feel the immediate difference for yourself.

And if ElectroSlim™ doesn’t blow past every expectation, you’ll get a quick, no-hassle refund - down to the penny.

So you risk nothing other than missing out on grabbing ElectroSlim™ at the lowest price you’ll ever see it.

Act now to try ElectroSlim™ at a special 67% discount, available only while our limited stock of 250 jars lasts.

I hope I’ve answered your questions.

Now I Have One For You: Why Not?

Look, if you’re hesitant, I get it.

That’s why we’re giving you a massive discount.

It’s why I’ve gone to such great lengths to prove to you why ElectroSlim™ is the world’s first and only formula to naturally increase your GLP-1 levels

And why you get a 365-day money-back guarantee.

I want you to free yourself from a life of being overweight, overwhelmed, and overlooked.

So I encourage you to say enough is enough.

And join the 11,327 men and women who use ElectroSlim™ every day to turn themselves into fat-burning machines
who look and feel amazing.

All It Takes Is the
Click of a Button.

Make your selection now.
Pick one of the three money-saving options below.

Imagine waking up 27 pounds lighter 30 days from now, and then losing more and more weight, day after day.

Many tell us they didn’t realize life could be this incredible.

I want that for you too.

Remember you either lose weight faster than you ever have, or you don’t pay.

So you have nothing to lose, and a lighter, slimmer, trimmer you to gain.

If you’re still curious about what ElectroSlim™ can do for you…

Just see what it’s done for those before you.

“I’ve never lost weight
this quickly…”

“I lost 5 pounds in the first week! I’ve never lost weight this quickly… Even when
I dieted.”

—Danielle Smith, 45 (Texas)

“In 9 months I’ve lost 70 pounds.”

“In 9 months I’ve lost 70 pounds. I never thought it would be possible. I went from 215 to 145 pounds!”

—Heather Thompson, 59 (Florida)

“I’ve not weighed this since I was
in my 20s!”

“I weigh 125 pounds! I’ve not weighed this since I was in my 20s! I can now wear a size 4.
I also just feel great. My skin looks better. My digestion is better. I have more energy.
I just FEEL good!”

—Cindy McDonald, 55 (California)

“I’ve been using this for 3 months and
I’ve lost 27 pounds.”

“I used to always be fit. Then I hit 50 and I just kept putting on weight.

At one point I was wearing an XXXL. I felt awful. I hurt all the time. I was getting scared about my health because my blood pressure was so high. I knew I had to do something. I was considering going on Ozempic, and then my wife shared this with me.

I’ve been using this for 3 months and I’ve lost 27 pounds. I don’t feel hungry all the time anymore either. I can’t wait to see where I am in another 3 months.”

—Steve Pringle, 66 (Kansas)

“I love the taste.
And surprisingly it’s WORKING.
So far I’ve lost 25 pounds.”

“I got so heavy in my early 60’s that even my brother asked me about it. He was concerned. I decided I needed to do something about it.

So I tried a Semaglutide shot, similar to Ozempic. It worked, but it also made me violently ill. I would take the shot and then vomit for 2 or 3 days after. It just wasn’t working for me. So I stopped, and sort of gave up.

Then my wife gave me ElectroSlim™. I started using it every morning after my coffee. I love the taste. And surprisingly it’s WORKING. So far I’ve lost 25 pounds.”

—William Hughs, 67 (Utah)

“No wonder I’ve lost 15 pounds!”

“ElectroSlim™ tastes SO good. I look forward to drinking it every day. It’s sweet, but not too sweet. It’s just a little treat. It helps me feel more hydrated. It helps with my sugar cravings and it curves my appetite. No wonder I’ve lost 15 pounds!”

—Linda Lomb, 41 (New York)

“I lost the 15 pounds in about 3 months.
The best part? I’ve not gained it back!”

“I gained 65 pounds during my second pregnancy. I lost most of it pretty quickly after childbirth. But there was about 15 pounds that I just couldn’t get rid of.
I’m pretty short, so 15 pounds is really a lot. I fasted, I counted calories and I even started running. Nothing was really working.

Then I tried ElectroSlim™.
And it’s crazy how well it works. I use it for my afternoon “snack.” I lost the 15 pounds in about 3 months. The best part? I’ve not gained it back!”

—Rose Murphy, 39 (Iowa)

“It has really helped my blood sugar
levels in the morning.”

“ElectroSlim™ has really helped my blood sugar levels in the morning. I feel like I used to have to eat because I felt a little shaky. Now I just drink this before my coffee and I’m good to go. It’s helped me lose a couple of
pounds too. ”

—Sean Lowe, 43 (Oklahoma)

“It’s given me a whole new lease on life.”

“I’m going to be 75 this year. I thought I’m too old to change. Too old to diet. Too old to be fit. But after a couple of health scares I knew I needed to do something.

My doctor had recommended I walk, work with a trainer, and potentially take Ozempic to help with weight. I wanted to try on my own first. So I did. I started walking every day with my friend Nancy. I started lifting weights with a trainer.

And I started taking ElectroSlim™ after my workouts. I had no idea I could lose this much weight… I’ve lost about 22 pounds. But I’m also FIT. I’m FIT like the young kids. It’s given me a whole new lease on life. I feel like I’m starting again. Thank you. This has been just the jump start I needed.”

—Slyvia Rome, 74 (Illinois)

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